Prayer: Father, open our eyes and remove the scales. I once was lost but now am found. I was blind, but now I see. Amen.
Reading: Psalm 85 key: vs. 9
9 Let me hear what God Adonai will say.
For He will speak shalom to His people, and to His kedoshim—
but let them not turn back to folly.
Attention: Until I see, understand, and admit my own human condition as captivity, I will not understand what God is saying to me through His Word. God exposes slavery and we think physical bondage. He is declaring our incarceration in the spiritual. When we are set free spiritually, we are also set free physically.
When Jesus walked on the earth and entered Jerusalem, we like to say the Jewish people didn’t see Him as a Spiritual King, because they wanted and earthly king. Am I guilty of wanting Yeshua to be something He is not? Oh yes, He is a liberator but One of the Spiritual kind. Once He has liberated you internally, spiritually, He has also liberated you physically. For what can man do to you? Can they kill someone who is already dead?
In my book, BondSlave: The Inconvenient Truth about Your Identity in Christ, I address the issue of ownership. Paul does an articulate job of describing the duality of the two masters competing for us. We once were mastered by the father of lies but when we are born again, there is a transfer of ownership. If you have experienced this transfer of ownership, have you cut all ties with the former man? I only ask because according to Paul, we cannot serve both. Serving is an all or nothing type of covenant lifestyle. If you have experienced the release of Yeshua from the captivity of sin, let’s start living like it! Declare your freedom from slavery today and declare in praise, your new owner. You have a new Master in Yeshua who redeemed You. You have been released from your former master and have been transferred into the care of a new Master!
Action: If you are born again of Spirit and of water, declare today your ownership by the Master Himself, Yeshua. I declare Yeshua as my redeemer and Master today!
Yield: I am yielded to my Master Yeshua.
Engaged: I engaged with Yeshua when I yield control and ownership of my life.
Relationship: I am a BondSlave of Yeshua.
Prayer: Father, You are my Master and I submit my life into Your service. Use me as an instrument of Your shalom. I love the illustration of the psalmist today saying, “righteousness and shalom kiss each other” – what a great picture. I love You and willfully submit to You. Amen.
Memory Verse: Romans 6:22-23
22 But now, having been set free from sin and having become enslaved to God, you have your fruit resulting in holiness. And the outcome is eternal life.
Music Video: Zach Williams – Chain Breaker (Live from Harding Prison)