Prayer: Father, I have experienced some dark times in my life. Times when I cried out for You to remove the pain. You have always walked me through the darkness to new understanding of You. Thank You for Your presence and comfort during those times. Amen.
Reading: Psalm 88 key: vs. 2-4 & 14
2 Adonai, God of my salvation,
day and night I cried out before You.
3 Let my prayer come before You.
Turn Your ear to my cry.
4 For my soul is full of troubles,
and my life draws near to Sheol.
14 But I—I cried out to You, Adonai,
and in the morning my prayer meets You.
Attention: I want to begin by saying, Yeshua is our greatest counselor. The prophet Isaiah declared that Yeshua is a “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, My Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace (9:5b).” This is His name; this is who He is. This is not a statement against counselors. This is the power who works through them. He is the supreme counselor. I have names of people I trust, who I would confidently recommend and refer, if you need professional Christian counseling.
If you are using key words like troubled, abandoned, heaviness, weight, isolation, imprisoned, afflicted, terrorized, desperate and darkness, and after crying out to Adonai you want to harm yourself, please seek immediate help. It is available. A skilled professional can help to pull you out of that dark place.
For those who are afflicted but not in crisis, do as the psalmist models for us today:
“… day and night I cried out before You. Let my prayer come before You. Turn Your ear to my cry. But I cried out to You, Adonai, and in the morning my prayer meets You (vs. 2b-3, 14).”
Stay in prayer, stay in the Word of God and you will learn a lot about God and who He is. Remember, He is a comforter just like the Holy Spirit. Yeshua said of Himself, “I will send you another Helper (or Comforter in some translations), (John 14:16).” Remember Adonai is an “ever present help in trouble (Psalms 46:2). He is a “present help,” not a absent help. Seek His presence and you will receive help, comfort, and counsel.
One last word of encouragement. I have found that when I praise Adonai, that the heaviness releases and it takes my eyes off me and my pain. Praise takes my focus off me and directs my heart, eyes, and troubled mind to One who counsels from His Word, His love, His presence. You are not alone! Darkness is not your companion, Adonai is that “friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24).”
Action: In times of desperation and anxiety, I will first reach out to my Supreme Counselor, Yeshua.
Yield: I yield my pain, darkness and suffering to the greatest Counselor I could have.
Engage: When I engage with my true Counselor, I receive healing for my soul and heart.
Relationship: No one cares and comforts me like Adonai. Stay in His presence.
Prayer: Father, I cannot imagine facing the turmoil of this life apart from You. Keep me close to You. You are my wonderful Counselor and mighty King. I praise You today for the comfort of Your presence. Your counsel is perfect. Amen.
Memorize and Ponder: Psalm 23 Can you claim, “The Lord is my Shepherd”
Music Video: My Prayer For You (Official Lyric Video) – Alisa Turner
Praise the Lord – The Imperials (Lyrics)
Remember, “Abide in Jesus, today!”