Prayer: Father, keep me in the moment of every day. I tend to project beyond today. This is the day which You have given me, and I rejoice. Amen.
Reading: Psalm 118 key: vs. 24
24 This is the day that Adonai has made!
Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
Attention: Have you ever seen a sign outside of a tavern or a pub which says, “Free Beer Tomorrow”? Of course, the joke is, tomorrow never comes because it is today, and tomorrow is always tomorrow. I am a walker and there is a sports bar a few blocks away from my apartment which I pass every day. They at times set a sign out which says in large bold letters, “FREE BEER.” The words are stacked upon each other and in between “FREE BEER,” in small letters, it says “advice with each.” The reality is that there is not much for free.
The psalmist brings us back to the reality to live each day as if it is our last, because we are not guaranteed tomorrow. “This is the day that Adonai has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!” Do you receive the full gravity of the psalmist’s proclamation? Today is the day for us to rejoice in Adonai and his gift of today!
I want to give you an extra pearl today. A pearl or nugget is a discovery in the Word of God you will make over the years of engaging in the Choose Life Journal. I had read the accounts in the gospels of Yeshua’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We have just celebrated Passover, so I hope this is meaningful to you. For years I have heard pastors preach on the triumphal entry as only a time of celebration for the Messiah. For the first time I decided to look up the Hebrew word Hoshia-na since this is the translation used in the Tree of Life version. My discovery is this, Hoshia-na (the Hebrew word of our Hosanna), means “save now.” Reread the text in Psalms 118:28. The psalmist says, “Please, Adonai, save now!” I interpret Hoshia-na to be a desperate plea for help rather than a celebration.
This is a prophetical statement, hundreds of years prior to the fulfillment by Yeshua. What was the political climate in Jerusalem at the time of Yeshua? It was much like today. Maybe our plea needs to be, “save us now.” Hopefully, you will see the cry of Hoshia-na differently when you come across it in the gospels.
Action: I will rejoice in today and be glad in it!
Yield: When I am glad and rejoicing, my eyes are off me and on Adonai!
Engage: I am in the moment of each day when engage with the Holy Spirit and His Word.
Relationship: Adonai is the giver of each day! I will rejoice and be glad in it!
Prayer: Father, I choose to give You the glory for the gift of today! I am glad and I rejoice in the knowledge of You. You are Adonai! Amen.
Memory Verse: Psalm 118:24
24 This is the day that Adonai has made!
Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
Music Video: This is the day that the Lord has made
Remember, “Abide in Yeshua, today!”