What is my excuse?

Prayer: Father, may I learn from the example of Moses’ life. You equip those You call and give them the words to say. May I learn to lean on and place my total trust in You. Amen.

Reading: Exodus 4 key: vs. 15
15 You are to speak to him and put the words in his mouth. I will be with your mouth and with his, and teach you what to do. 

Attention: You have probably heard the saying, “Excuses are like belly buttons! Everyone has one.” Moses, like most of us when called, was not jumping up and down yelling, “Yippee! God chose me!” We tend to be the reluctant warriors. We tend to have an identity crisis with an inner voice saying, “Why me?” What does He see in me that makes Him think I am a worthy candidate for His mission? Moses give Adonai every excuse in the book. First excuse, “I have a speaking problem.”

In fact, one of the leading fears people have, is public speaking. So, Adonai begins the task of overcoming Moses’ objections, while Moses tries building a case to disqualify himself. “They will not believe me or listen to my voice. They will say, Adonai has not appeared to you.”

Have you ever tried to discredit your ability to represent Adonai? In the face of every excuse, Adonai gives Moses ammunition. He gives him a staff which He makes into an instrument of His miracles. He gives the staff supernatural ability to display His power. He even gives him a demonstration. We will soon be shown what the staff can do in the hands of Adonai’s anointed one when Moses first confronts Pharoah. Adonai tells Moses, if that doesn’t convince to let My people go, then I want you to do this; “put your hand within your cloak.” Moses did and when he withdrew his hand, he had “tza-ra’at.” What is “tza-ra’at”? Leprosy.

What is leprosy? We have just been through a few years of fear of Covid. Covid was being presented as a death sentence, without the vaccination. Leprosy was a death sentence in those days, as there was no cure. Just the presentation of leprosy would have cast fear into Pharoah. However, God says, if that doesn’t work, “take the water of the river (Nile) and pour it on the dry land. The water … will become blood on the ground.”

Finally, Adonai tells Moses … “Now go! I will be with your mouth and teach you what to say.” Still Moses persists to defy Adonai and spew his excuses. Adonai gets angry with Moses and relents, giving him his brother Aaron as a mouthpiece. This was not God’s plan, but He sends Moses off with the commission to go and “take this staff in your hand to do the signs (I will give you).”

If you have never been commissioned by Adonai to do something, you won’t understand. Hopefully, these words will prepare you not to stand with The Almighty and spit pitiful excuses back at Him. If you are in the midst of being commissioned, I hope that you will take from Moses’ example and humble yourself and say, “Hineni (Here I am).” If you have stonewalled Adonai regarding His commission, I would encourage you to repent, and accept.

You will never be at peace, until you accept His commission and step into your destiny, His plan for you.

Action: I repent today of my lack of faith in Adonai’s commission, and I accept Your plan for me.

Yield: I surrender to Your plan for my life.

Engage: I am engaged with Adonai when I answer His calling.

Relationship: Relationship comes when I answer His call.

Prayer: Father, there is nothing better, than answering Your call and surrendering to Your plan for my life. When I accepted Your call, I experienced Your peace and delight. Amen.

Memory Verse: Isaiah 6:8
Then I heard the voice of Adonai saying:
“Whom should I send, and who will go for Us?”
So I said, “Hineni. Send me.”

Music Video: Keith Green—Here Am I Send me https://youtu.be/8N7h0DtHaOg

Remember, “Abide in Yeshua, today!”

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