Widows and Orphans 

Prayer: Father, You love all people, but there are certain people which You have an special affinity towards. May I also gain an extra measure of care and concern for those who capture Your heart. Amen.  

Reading: Exodus 22 key: vs. 21-23  
21 “You must not mistreat any widow or orphan. 22 If you mistreat them in any way, and they cry out to Me, I will surely hear their cry. 23 My wrath will burn hot, and I will kill you with the sword. So your wives will become widows and your children will become orphans.

Attention: I wrote a book for a non-profit for widows in 2017 titled, The Widows Project: Serving The Widowed With The Father’s Heart. In the book, I quoted scriptural support for a mandate for our care of widows. In reflection, I do not recall mentioning our key scripture in my writing. There is a severity of judgement which Adonai places on those who mistreat widows and orphans, death by a sword.  

Regardless of your position or stance on the relevance of the Ten Commandments and the ordinances which follow for today, you must admit, Adonai is serious about the consequences of mistreating a widow or orphan. My approach toward a scriptural mandate for the care of widows was, while Adonai loves everyone based on John 3:16, He has a special affinity toward certain people groups, like widows and orphans based on James 1:27. 

I encourage you today, to put widows and orphans on your radar. As I became aware of the scriptural support of and mention of widows in the Bible, I elevated my awareness of widows. I saw that widows had been a part of my spiritual development as a youth. Both my grandmothers were widowed and most of my biological aunts are widowed.  

Who are the widows in our lives? They are our grandmother, our mothers, sisters, and aunts. Who do you know that is a widow? Will you do something special for them today?  

If you are inclined to know more about what scripture has to say about widows, please consider purchasing a copy of my book. All sales proceeds go to The Widows Project; www.thewidowsproject.org

Action: I will do some act of caring for a widow I know today. 

Yield: When I care for the disadvantaged or grieving, I am being the hands and feet of Yeshua.  

Engage: I am engaging with Adonai in the care of widows. 

Relationship: I am in deeper relationship with Adonai, when I care for those He has a special affinity towards. 

Prayer: Father, may I care for those whom You care for, the widow and the orphan. Amen.  

Memory Verse: James 1:27 
 27 Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

Music Video: Casting Crowns—Anything But Easy https://youtu.be/HQswDNBvTes 

Remember, “Abide in Yeshua, today!” 

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