Fire, Salt & Soothing Aroma  

Prayer: Father, You do all things well. Even our worship to You is fragrant and stimulates our senses of smell and taste. Amen. 

Read: Leviticus 2 key: vs. 9-10  
The kohen is to take from the grain offering its memorial portion, and burn it up as smoke on the altar, an offering made by fire—a soothing aroma to Adonai10 What is left of the grain offering is for Aaron and his sons, a most holy portion of the offerings to Adonai made by fire.

Attention: One of my favorite memories as a child was coming home and discovering mom had made homemade bread. The aroma of fresh baked homemade bread I can still recall. Today, Adonai instructs Moses about the place of grain in worship of Him. The ingredients are spelled out; use “fine flour, …pour oil on it, …with frankincense, … and ‘salt’ (vs. 13). What is not burnt, is for “Aaron and his sons, a most holy portion of the offerings to Adonai made by fire.”  

Have you been through the fire? What does fire do in the process? Fire not only bakes the grain into a loaf, it releases the aroma and flavor of the grain. Notice, salt was to be added. I have written before of the covenant of salt. Salt preserves, prevents decay and brings out the flavor. Salt is an essential element to life. Adonai included salt as an essential ingredient to the Matzah flour. 

The ancients used salt in trading because of its value. Adonai established a covenant of salt with David (2 Chronicles 13:5).  

Interesting that we are called to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13-14) in the world. The question we need to ask ourselves, are we being salt and light? Are we Adonai’s preservative, preventative, and flavoring in the world?  

Action: Beginning today, I choose to be salt and light in a fallen world.  

Yield: I choose to yield to the declarations of Adonai.  

Engage: I engage when I choose to be what Adonai designed and declared me to be.  

Relationship: I choose to stay in close relationship with the Holy Spirit.  

Prayer: Father, I praise You today for the power of your written Word. I desire to be a pleasing aroma to You. In the name of Yeshua, amen.  

Memory Verse: Psalm 34:9 tlv 
Taste and see how good Adonai is.
Blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.

Music Video: Hillsong Worship—Fresh Wind 

Remember, “Abide in Yeshua, today!”  

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