Faithfulness Ensures Blessing, Faithlessness Ensures Misery 

Prayer: Father, You spell it out in Your Word. You set the boundaries. We get to choose faithfulness or faithlessness. Which will it be? Amen. 

Reading: Leviticus 26 key: vs. 3a (“If…I will give you…”) & 14a (“But if you will not listen to Me, nor carry out these mitzvot… then I will do the following to you in return.”  

Attention: As a child, did you ever have a parent or a teacher sit you down and explain the benefits and consequences of your actions? Compliance brought rewards and non-compliance brought a spanking or other punitive action. It was our choice.  

Adonai did much the same thing in declaring and explaining the consequences and benefits of faithfulness and faithlessness.  

There was a Gary Larsen made cartoon in one of his collections which I think demonstrates how naïve we are to our sin and the consequences which we are experiencing. Many of us I fear are perplexed at what is happening to our cities, economy, the church, medical institutions, law and government, and more. The cartoon features a polar bear on a large ice-flow, with a small group of penguins. The  polar bear is sitting amongst them with a beak rubber banded around his muzzle. The caption on the bottom reveals the puzzlement of the penguins over the loss of their brotherhood.  

Why are we puzzled over the plight of our nation, our cities, and our land? Are we guilty of the listing of things which Adonai said he would do if we break covenant with Him and do not keep His commandments, “all His mitzvot (vs. 15).” Why would we be an exception and be exempt from Adonai’s punitive measures? Are we listening to Him? Or are we trying to do things our way and without Him?  

I encourage you to give serious thought to the words of this chapter. They could save your life and the lives of your family and loved ones.  

Action: I am compelled to confess my sin of _______ and my father’s sin of ______ today, to seek forgiveness.  

Yield: I give up my right to be disobedient to Adonai.  

Engage: I am actively listening to Adonai and choose to be obedient to Him.  

Relationship: I am in active relationship with Adonai when I choose to be obedient.  

Prayer: Father, I have acted so long in self-righteousness. There are many ways I have offended You and disobeyed. I also have not confessed my disobedience. My heart has been hard. Soften my heart today. Give me a new heart which You can work with. I want You to have first place in my life.  Amen.  

Memory Verse: 2 Chronicles 7:14 
14 when My people, over whom My Name is called, humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 

Music Video: Avalon—If My People Pray  

Remember, “Abide in Yeshua, today!”  

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