
Prayer: Father, thank You for the instruction of Your Word. I love Your Holy Word. Your servant is ready for instruction and new insight. Amen. 

Reading: Numbers 4 key: vs. 6  

Attention: Today’s reading provides a key illustration about the how and why of Inductive Bible study. I was raised on the King James version of the Bible. Then in 1978 I attended a private Christian College (it became a University while I was attending) in Southern California and they introduced me to the New American Standard Bible (NASB). Around 2019, I discovered the Tree of Life (TLV) version which I have used and prefer ever since. If you are not familiar with the Tree of Life version and/or Inductive Bible Study, I encourage you to obtain a copy of my book Choose Life Journal which explains the how and why of Inductive Bible study. Our book is available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.  

In the King James Version, the key verse uses the term “badger” as the animal used in covering the Tent of Meeting. Both the NASB and the TLV use the term “porpoise.” To me there is a vast difference between a porpoise and a badger. I could see finding badgers in the wilderness but not porpoises. So, I did a little research and according to one of the online Bible resource sites, they mentioned the name “sea cows” and the term dugong. In looking up dugong, National Geographic states, “ 

Wikipedia says a dugong “is a marine mammal. It is one of four living species of the order Sirenia, which also includes three species of manatees.” National Geographic states These enormous vegetarians can be found in warm coastal waters from East Africa to Australia, including the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Pacific. 

Dugongs are related to manatees and are similar in appearance and behavior— though the dugong’s tail is fluked like a whale’s. Both are related to the elephant, although the giant land animal is not at all similar in appearance or behavior ( Dugong | National Geographic ).”   

How interesting! I was elated to find that dugongs are found in the “Red Sea.” Making this finding, reminded me of the accounts in the Bible when God gave the provision, like the ram caught in the thicket in the story of Abraham and Isaac, or even water or manna with Moses. Supernatural provision is nothing to God. He commanded them to use dugong pelts and He provided the source.  

Will Adonai not more also do for us what He did for the Hebrew nation?  

Action: I choose to embrace God’s supernatural provision for my life!  

Yield: I give over to God my need for His provision.  

Engage: I engage with Adonai in the supernatural way He provides every day.  

Relationship: I choose to walk step with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  

Prayer: Father, why do we worry? Why do we doubt? When You have said it is so. I choose to place my total trust in You! Amen.  

Memory Verse: Matthew 6:31-34 
31 “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ 32 For the pagans eagerly pursue all these things; yet your Father in heaven knows that you need all these. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Music Video: 2nd Chapter of Acts—Mansion Builder https://youtu.be/OhJSKADrRPs 

Remember, “Abide in Yeshua, today!”  

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