Prayer: Father, I choose life. I choose You to follow, obey, and worship. You are the Supreme Ruler, Creator, of the universe. You establish the commandments, the order, and the justice. You are just. Amen.
Reading: Amos 5 key: vs. 4-6 “For thus says Adonai to the house of Israel: “Seek Me, and live! But do not seek Bethel, do not go to Gilgal, do not cross over to Beersheba. For Gilgal will surely go into exile, and Bethel will come to trouble. Seek Adonai, and live— lest He rush like fire through the house of Joseph. Yes, it will devour Bethel, with no one to quench it.” TLV
Attention: Repetition is a key to understanding God. When He repeats a message to Israel or us, He wants us to pay attention. His declaration is, “Seek Me!” I am the key to life. I am the way to life.
His instruction and exposure of their sin is that when they are seeking other things and misplacing His priority and centrality in their lives, they are about to receive His judgment. Bethel was a primary center of worship prior to the building of the Temple. If they seek to satisfy their conscious by going to a house of worship, they are seeking the wrong thing.
Beersheba is referenced in Old Testament scripture as a southern most area of Israel. Beersheba is called the “Gateway to the dessert.” It is the last stop on the way to Egypt, and the first stop in leaving Egypt. Beersheba had an importance to the Hebrew people. If they were seeking Beersheba, was it to head to Egypt or to leave Egypt literally or symbolically?
Gilgal was the first camp established by Joshua upon entering the promised land. He and the Hebrew nation held their first worship, circumcision, and Passover at Gilgal. Joshua memorialized Gilgal by having twelve stones taken from the bed of the Jordan River and placed together as an altar to Adonai for the miracle crossing.
If we like the Hebrew children are placing significance in a building, a location, a camp, a place where we had our first spiritual experience, or a mountain, we are misplacing our affection, our attention, our worship. God said, “Seek Me!”
Action: I choose to seek the divine Adonai as the Sovereign worthy of my praise.
Yield: I choose to submit to the Sovereignty of God.
Engage: I choose to engage with the Holiness of God.
Relationship: I choose to live in close, intimate relationship with God.
Prayer: Father, may I not be guilty of seeking anything other than You. Soli Deo Gloria! My praise belongs to You alone. Amen.
Memory Verse: Psalms 115:1 “Not to us, Adonai, not to us, but to Your Name be the glory— because of Your love and Your faithfulness.” TLV
Music Video: Natalie Grant—More Than Anything
Remember, “Abide in Yeshua, today!”