Prayer: Father, I ask for understanding of Your Word today. The study in Ecclesiastes has been one of the more difficult books of the Bible and is nearing a conclusion. Help me to glean new understanding today. Amen.
Reading Ecclesiastes 11 key: vs. 1-2 “Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it. Give portions to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what disaster may happen upon the earth.” TLV
Attention: How timely is this word today? We have just been through a pandemic the likes our generation has never witnessed. Additional disasters are mentioned every day, both natural and manmade. The signs of end times are disasters of war, earthquakes, tsunami’s, famine, red moons, financial collapse, weather anomalies, and one world religion. All are current concerns in the media.
So, for the author of Ecclesiastes to reference the uncertainty of tomorrow and what disasters may befall us, I find interesting as a warning. Curiously, he also makes an interesting declaration when he says, “Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it.” I prefer not to use a commentary as I try to allow scripture to define itself. This is the exception where I needed some help in understanding the meaning of “casting your bread upon the waters.”
Matthew Henry’s commentary on this passage states, “Solomon presses the rich to do good to others. Give freely, though it may seem thrown away and lost. Give to many. Excuse not thyself with the good thou hast done, from the good thou hast further to do.” He continues by saying, “Every man must labour to be a blessing to that place where the providence of God casts him. Wherever we are, we may find good work to do, if we have but hearts to do it. If we magnify every little difficulty, start objections, and fancy hardships, we shall never go on, much less go through with our work.”
I encourage us to focus on the good we can do, while we can do it. Are our resources and gifts give by God, given back to God by what we do for those who cannot do for themselves? Generosity is a lifestyle which manifests for a lifetime.
Action: I choose to cast my bread upon the waters of those in need.
Yield: I choose to submit to the authority and moving of the Holy Spirit.
Engage: I choose to engage with the help of the Holy Spirit in helping others.
Relationship: I choose to live in holy, obedient relationship with God.
Prayer: Father, may my giving be in proportion to my receiving. I cannot out give You. I owe it all to You. May I invest in the kingdom every day. Amen.
Memory Verse: Galatians 6:8-10 “For the one who sows in the flesh will reap corruption from the flesh. But the one who sows in the Ruach will reap from the Ruach eternal life. So let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we don’t give up. Therefore, whenever we have an opportunity, let us do good toward all—especially those who belong to the household of faith.” TLV
Music Video: Gaither Vocal Band—Bread Upon The Water
Remember, “Abide in Yeshua, today!”