Prayer: Father, there are topics You discuss in Your Word, which the community of faith is silent about. Things which are abhorrent to You, we need to be aware of, for they are a hurt to us and our land. Amen.
Reading: Leviticus 18 key: vs. 27-28
27 “For all these abominations were done by the men of the land who were before you, and the land became defiled. 28 If you defile it, the land will vomit you out as it vomited out the nation that was before you.
Attention: Have you ever heard of generational curses? The concept was communicated by Adonai to Moses prior to our Leviticus reading today, is found in Exodus 34:6-9. Our culture likes to set the narrative about who Adonai (God) is. However, Adonai defines Himself, “Adonai, Adonai, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, and abundant in lovingkindness and truth, showing mercy to a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin….”
Today’s narrative from a portion of the faith community stops short of communicating the entire scripture. We know that we live in the age of grace and mercy so we only communicate the compassionate image of Adonai. However, let’s Adonai speak for Himself. What does the rest of the scripture communicate to us? “Yet by no means leaving the guilty unpunished, but bringing the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, to the third and fourth generation.”
Are we guilty of giving the world a description of Adonai which is not accurate? Love also involves discipline and sin has consequences. The sins which Moses documents are an abomination, which means highly offensive and detestable to Adonai (God). If God tells us that these types of sin are offense to Him, do we not choose to believe Him?
I was raised in the Community of Faith. In all of those years, I am aware of several cases of the sin of incest. One man I know of, spent time in prison. Do not be naïve or unaware, families within the community of faith are suffering from the sin of incest.
A common scripture referenced and recited by the Community of Faith, is 2 Chronicles 7:14. There are conditions but God promises that “if” we will humble ourselves, “if” we pray and seek His face and turn from our “wicked ways,” He will hear…and forgive (our) sin and “heal” their land.”
America needs healing, but healing will not happen unless we do our part! We must pray, seek Him, and turn from what Adonai calls “wicked” and evil to Him. He promises to forgive and heal our land. Notice that our Leviticus passage mentions that the sin of men, “defiled the land.” Sin not only defiles us, but it also defiles our land.
Action: Lord, I choose to humble myself, turn from wickedness, so that I and my land can be healed.
Yield: I surrender to the Holy Spirit in mind, body and soul.
Engage: What God calls evil; I will also call evil.
Relationship: God is my inheritance. I am His inheritance.
Prayer: Father, help me to embrace Your narrative about what is an abomination to You. I am Your Ambassador, Your voice. Amen.
Memory Verse: Isaiah 5:20
20 Oy to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who present darkness as light
and light as darkness,
who present bitter as sweet,
and sweet as bitter!
Music Video: Spiritual Warfare—Put On the Whole Armor
Remember, “Abide in Yeshua, today!”