Prayer: Father, open my eyes to new truths about You. Give me new understanding of all Your ways. Amen.
Reading: Psalm 104 key: 1-3
1 Bless Adonai, O my soul.
Adonai my God, You are very great!
You are clothed with splendor and majesty—
2 wrapping Yourself in light as a robe,
stretching out heaven like a curtain,
3 laying beams for His upper rooms in waters,
making the clouds His chariot,
walking on the wings of the wind,
Attention: It is an amazing concept to me that Adonai (God) would rejoice in His creation. However, if we look back at the creation story found in Genesis (begetting or beginning), we find that Moses recorded God wrapping up His work on the sixth day (His working week) by stating, “So God saw everything that He made, and behold it was very good.”
God stood back from His creative work and rejoiced. Have you ever completed a project of which you stood back and experienced pleasure? I used to be a contractor of home remodels. I focused on kitchen and bath remodels. It was rewarding to see the finished product, especially if there was a smiling client admiring the work.
I remember the satisfaction my family felt at harvest time. Our garden and fruit trees used to yield an abundant harvest. The meals were our reward for the hours of preparing the soil, weeding, and watering, picking, and canning the produce. The bounty was the equity of our labor and sweat.
When I review the creation story and my labor and work experience, I can understand how God rejoiced over His creative works. The psalmist helps us to understand the character of God. He rejoiced over his creation. He was the chief architect of the sun and the moon, the stars and the seas, the wind, and the waves. I encourage you to rejoice with and in God today, over His creative works!
Action: I will rejoice with God and in God over His creative works!
Yield: When I rejoice with God, I acknowledge His sovereignty.
Engage: I am engaged with God when I rejoice with Him in His creative works.
Relationship: God is sovereign.
Prayer: Father, may I be reminded that You are sovereign, and I am not. Amen.
Memory Verse: Genesis 1:31
31 So God saw everything that He made, and behold it was very good.
Music Video: Chris Tomlin – How Great Is Our God (Lyrics And Chords)
Remember, “Abide in Yeshua, today!”