Prayer: Father, You have plans for us which we will never see if we are disobedient. The generation of Hebrews who witnessed Your displays of wonder in extracting them from Egypt, never saw the wonders You proclaimed for them in the new land. May we not stop short of the glory You want to display. Amen.
Reading: Exodus 34 key: vs. 10-11a
10 Then He said, “I am cutting a covenant. Before all your people I will do wonders, such as have not been done in all the earth, or in any nation. All the people you are among will see the work of Adonai—for what I am going to do with you will be awesome! 11 Obey what I am commanding you today.
Attention: It is easy for us to stand here today knowing the story of Moses up to the giving of the Ten Words (Commandments) and think, with all the miracles which Adonai performed in their presence, how could they not obey. How much the same are we? Adonai promises them now that they haven’t seen anything yet. He is going to do “wonders, such as have not been done in all the earth, or in any nation.” The hitch, “Obey what I am commanding you today,” and then stand back and watch as “I am going to drive out the” current residents that inhabit or live on your land.
But they didn’t believe that Adonai would do that for them. Adonai called them a “stiff-necked people (vs. 9b).” So, we will see that he made them live in the wilderness till the adult generation died off. He needed a new generation of Joshuas and Calebs who would take the land and possess it.
How many times have we, like the Hebrew nation, stopped short of what God wants to give us, because of disobedience? Adonai told them ahead of time the consequences of disobedience. He has told us too. I encourage you to review verses 6-9. These verses contain a list of the attributes or character of Adonai. Many of us are experiencing or have experienced the consequences of generational sin, which is unrepented, thus unforgiven.
Would Adonai call us stiff-necked people? Are we also, resistant and rebellious to His commands? Have we allowed cultures which worship other gods to be a snare to us? My experience in all of life, we are either the influenced, or the influencer. Which are you?
Action: God loves me so much, that He is jealous for my worship and affection. Knowing this, I choose to give Him all my worship and love.
Yield: I give all my love to God alone.
Engage: I engage with Adonai when I engage with the Holy Spirit daily in Word and spirit.
Relationship: I am in relationship with Adonai through His Spirit.
Prayer: Father, I love You and only You. There is no god but Adonai. Amen.
Memory Verse: Exodus 34:14
14 For you are to bow down to no other god, because Adonai is jealous for His Name—He is a jealous God.
Music Video: David Crowder Band—How He Loves Us
Remember, “Abide in Yeshua, today!”