E-Crier: February 2023

February Edition

The Month of Love

Well, February is traditionally the month of love. Valentine’s Day is February 14.

Recently, I told my wife about a game I came across over forty years ago. The original has a board on which the participants move their game piece by the rolling of dice. As I recall, there were two stacks of cards, and you drew according to the instructions on the place your game piece landed. The uniqueness of the game is that it is called, The Ungame. There are no losers, only winners. Why? Because the game was designed to facilitate conversation and thoughtful interaction, not competition. There are different versions for kids, all ages and couples.

I mentioned the The Ungame to my wife and she immediately looked it up and purchased a couple’s edition (available from several sources). The card box sits on our dining room table and regularly, we each draw a card and communicate to each other the question on our card. Sometimes we both answer, other times just the one who drew the card. It is a great way to know the inner part of your mate.

Through this exercise recently, one of the questions was, “What is the one thing you want from your spouse?” Her answer, “Patience.” I had recently felt directed to read and ponder on the love chapter of the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13. Most of us can tell each other what love isn’t, but how valuable to hear the Holy Spirit speak through Paul about what Love is.

I find this passage particularly convicting. I encourage you to ponder 1 Corinthians 13 as we approach February 14 together.


Chaplaincy Interview

Well, it is time to introduce First Place Ministry followers to my wife, Caliatra Esther Wright. She is a mother of six, grandmother of fourteen, and a great-grandmother of one. She is also three-time survivor of loss, by a son and two husbands. Caliatra has served as a Chaplain for Law Enforcement and First Responders (2015-2018), followed by Chaplaincy to the Woodland Senior Care Center (2018- present). Over the past 20 years, she has garnered seven pageant titles.

Caliatra (means Crown Protected) is currently serving simultaneously as Ms. Senior Washington USA and Ms. Senior Ireland Universe. Because of her past affiliation as a Law Enforcement Chaplain, the pageant officials have conferred her the titles of Ambassador of Law Enforcement Chaplain, Nationally and Internationally.

To accommodate our partnering together in Chaplain ministry, I was accepted into the Chaplaincy program last September. We also formed a business together to support the pageants Caliatra is engaged in, Crown Pageant Productions (www.crownpageantproductions.com). We invite you to visit and follow Caliatra on our website, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

By the time you read this edition, we will know specifics about Caliatra ’s next pageant engagements. Both the USA and Universe pageants scheduled for last November, were delayed due to hurricane activity in Florida and rescheduled for some time late March ’23. We promise to keep you updated and invite you to pray for all the details surrounding being a pageant contestant. If you know or have access to corporate ownership which would consider an affiliation with a pageant winner to represent and promote their product or service, we appreciate any consideration.

I encourage you to get acquainted with Caliatra through a recent conversation we recorded together. Click here to watch.

I hope you are enjoying journaling with me through Genesis. I gained a lot of new insight into Genesis by addressing the entire book again. Late February we will begin Exodus. If you didn’t get started with me at the beginning of the New Year, the beauty of the Choose Life Journal is you can begin with us at any time. This is a four-year plan, chapter by chapter. Where do you want to be in your spiritual walk in four years? If you start now, you will be able to say, I completed the entire Bible in four years. You will be glad you did.

Get our new book!
Choose Life Journal

First Place Ministries is seeking to help you establish a daily time with the Scriptures and the Spirit! Available now on our website or through Barnes & Noble or Amazon, is our latest book, Choose Life Journal.

o   If you have never read or studied the Bible for yourself, this book is for you. The how and why of personal Bible study time is contained in this book.

o   If you have used devotional material before, please consider journaling and discover how the Holy Spirit will mentor you.

o   If you have participated in inductive Bible study with directed questions, please consider journaling and allowing the Holy Spirit to direct you into all truth.

o   If you have sought a deeper walk and relationship with Adonai, the Choose Life Journal plan is the study aid for you. Each chapter is designed to equip you with the skills to participate in the inductive method of Bible study, journal at the leading of the Holy Spirit, and create an action plan for applying the Word of God. 

I have utilized the inductive method of Bible study for over seventeen years. Your thoughts, your actions, your attitudes will be challenged by the Word of God. You will see the transformation which your interaction with God’s Word causes as you become conformed to His image. The Bible is a powerful book! It is “living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword…and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).” I challenge you to try the Choose Life Journal study methodology for 21-days through the book of John. 

Books are available via Barnes & Noble and Amazon. 

If you would like to donate to First Place Ministries, please click the link below. All proceeds help to keep the ministry running.

First Place Ministries is not a 501c3 organization.


Download the
Choose Life App!

Download the Choose Life App, now available through your phone’s App store. On the app, you’ll find the First Place Ministries journals, a Bible reading plan, the written TLV version of the Bible, as well as an audio Bible (NIV) that you can listen to. The app, including all these features, is free!

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Sign up today to receive an email with a link to each day’s journal entry.  Click here, complete the form and submit it and you’ll be added to our distribution group.  We’ll never share your information with anyone outside the First Place Ministries organization and you can unsubscribe at any time.

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