E-Crier: March 2024 Edition

Well hello brothers and sisters in Messiah!  

We may be headed for an early spring! Have you noticed the buds on the trees? The frogs are unusually vocal for this time of year. Yet local weather reports are calling for snow next week. I am praying that we do not have a freeze which could kill the new buds.

I hope you are enjoying the study in Isaiah which will end in about a week and we will launch into Jeremiah!

The Holy Spirit has placed a couple of things on my mind. Information on Israel seems to be slow. Little is being communicated about the Israeli action in Gaza. I did hear of a tunnel find which was filled with servers and was below a hospital. But while there is little information, I heard a report that U.S. Secretary of State Blinken has made a motion in favor of creating a Palestinian State. Here is a link to the Guardian detailing his actions, Blinken restates commitment to Palestinian state on West Bank visit | Israel-Gaza war | The Guardian. This report leads me to my next concern.

The actions in the middle east are creating more stir in an already fractured, unstable U.N. On February 10, 2024, FOX News reported that “Michelle O’Neill, the recently elected First Minister of Northern Ireland, said on Thursday that the terrorist organization, Hamas, would eventually be regarded as the “future partner for peace” in the Middle East.” New alliances are being formed and the polarity of nations is being revealed.

I hope that Israel is prominent in your prayers as well as the leaders of our nations and members of the U.N. I will have more to report in the coming months.



Focus on Technology

Transhumanism is a word which you may have heard of but know little about. I read a book by Dr. Thomas Horn and members of Milieu Resistance over the past month. The title, The Milieu: Welcome to the Transhuman Resistance.

Let us begin with a definition of transhumanism. An old by accurate definition can be found in the 1883 edition of The Imperial Dictionary of the English Language: “Transhuman (trans-hu’man). A. Beyond or more than human.” A contemporary description might sound like this: Transhumanism is humanity’s intentional evolution through science and technology. Transhumanism is thus a changeover; a stepping stone, but not the final stage; it is a transition to a posthuman potential, moving beyond what we presently are. It is future oriented vision, one fueled by incredible scientific and technical advances and the possibilities they portend; greatly magnifying cognitive abilities, enhancing sensory input, genetic restructuring to permanently eliminate disease and weakness, finding ways to move our consciousness into a noncorruptible body, the extension of human life—to the point of immortality—and even resurrecting the dead (pg. 31-32).”

The theological and biblical implications of creating such a man are vast. How does transhumanism relate to Genesis’ account of creation? How does the technology of transhumanism relate to the limitations when Adonai intervened in Genesis 11 and the invention of a brick which would allow man to build into the heavens? Will God allow man to create a man without a soul? Can an-other than man, be counted on to only do good and not turn to evil? What do we call someone who is non-human, and do they have equal rights with man?

Dr. Horn and various members pose these questions and more about the implications of a transhuman being and answer in a biblical world view.

I conclude with a quote from Elon Musk, “I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I had to guess at what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that …. With artificial intelligence we’re summoning the demon. You know those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram, and the holy water, and he’ like—Yeah, he’s sure he can control the demon? Doesn’t work out (pg.221).”

This is a serious topic my friends. Next month I will include a recorded conversation amongst a few friends for your review. I hope that this is just the beginning of conversation among the Ekklesia.

A Dialogue About Ekklesia:

I discovered the term Ekklesia about seven years ago and after a bit of investigation, I authored a book titled, Ekklesia Declared! Since, then I have been on a journey to define the term and give definition to the community of Ekklesia.

I recently connected with Chip Brogden a pastor, author, teacher, and I have listened to his four audio teachings on Ekklesia. Pastor Brogden left his church pastorate 25 years ago, embracing the identity of Ekklesia which Messiah declared in Matthew 16:18. He has a dynamic testimony on his website which I hope you will check out. Please take a listen and expand your understanding about Ekklesia. The Ekklesia: A Revelation of the Called-Out Assembly | The School of Christ

Easter is Sunday March 31st. I hope that you will be celebrating the resurrection of our Messiah!

He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!

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