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October signals the change of weather from summer to fall. The leaves change colors. Sunset is earlier, temperatures change, and dew and fog appear. I have friends who will be hunting for deer and elk. Duck and pheasant seasons extend into October too.

I have a new neighbor who is a hunter. I have watched him spend days and hours preparing for hunting season. From packing gear, planning meals, and scouting trips, a lot of planning time is spent in preparation to hunt. By the time you add in the financial investment in tags, licensing, a camper, truck, quads or ATV, a rifle, scope, compound bow, knife, sleeping bag, cook stove, stove fuel, gas, propane, boots, thermal gear, camouflage  gear, gloves, and grub (I’m sure I have missed something), the adventure is more than a hobby or something casual. This is a passion.

I wonder if we have the same or greater level of passion about God and the things of God. I really do not mean to pick on the hunting or fishing enthusiasts. It is just that October is hunting season. I could have picked on several of our indulgences like the NFL (which is in full swing), or MLB (which is in playoff mode), NBA and hockey are gearing up, and golf is posturing. I know some of you are saying, “Well, how about NASCAR and soccer?” The point is that there are plenty of distractions which monopolize our time, attention, devotion, and require an investment financially.

Have we forgotten God? Is He a priority? How can you tell? Consider this as a measuring stick. Upon what we spend our time and our money tells us, our family, and our friends, where our heart is. Is your heart fully His?

Here are a few scriptures to ponder. Paul tells us of a people he was sent to in Berea (Acts 17:10-12) who searched the scriptures every day. They didn’t study to refute Paul, but rather to confirm that what they were being told was true. Bereans were the fact checkers of their day. They did it by being in the scriptures.

Adonai (God) gave Moses instruction (while in the desert on Mount Sinai) about the lifestyle His people were to emulate. They were to have NO other gods, not make a “graven image” of gods or things in heaven, or earth below, or in the water under the earth, NOT take Adonai’s name in  vain, and keep the Yom Shabbat (day of rest) holy (Exodus 20:1-11).

Yeshua (Jesus) told the Pharisees when questioned by a lawyer, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Torah? And, He said to him, ‘You shall love Adonai your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire Torah and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

From these scriptures, what do we observe.

  • Our faith needs to be exercised every day.
  • God demands exclusivity, to be the only God of our affection and worship.
  • God requires all our hearts, souls, and minds.

Are you making God a priority every day? Are you worshipping Him only? Are you giving Him your all?

I do not ask you these questions without giving you a solution for personal Bible study and Journaling with the Holy Spirit. First Place Ministries has just released the Choose Life Journal study plan (details below).

Have a great month of October!



Mountain of Adonai and Faith

I have been doing video interviews of people who represent an area of the Seven Mountains of Influence in past issues. I was not able to schedule a zoom recorded interview this month. So, I’m going to do something a bit different. While on a trip to Kalispell this year, I had the pleasure of attending a meeting which featured Brian and Candace Simmons, lead translators of the Passion Bible. I had heard a lot of favorable comments about the Passion translation, and I was eager to hear their hearts.

It was an enjoyable evening of worship music which preceded Brian’s presentation. He and his wife have taken on a monumental task in translating the entirety of the Bible, which they hope to complete by 2028.

I did a little research before attending the evening presentation, as I had just completed my book, Ekklesia Declared!, so, I was anxious to see how The Passion Translation (TPT) handled Matthew 16:18.

“I give you Peter, a stone.  And this truth of who I am will be the bedrock foundation on which I will build my church—my legislative assembly …”

Considering my research, and having published a book on Matthew 16:18, I was a bit chagrined to find that Brian had elected to use the term “church” for what I believe is Ekklesia, not an “essential equivalent,” as is the philosophy of the TPT.

“That’s the governing philosophy behind The Passion Translation®: to transfer the essential meaning of God’s original message found in the biblical languages to modern English. We believe that the essential meaning of a passage should take priority over the literal form of the original words, while still ensuring the essence of those words is conveyed, so that every English speaker can clearly and naturally encounter the heart of God through His message of truth and love.” (Copied from The Passion Translation website: About the Lead Translator – The Passion Translation )

Brian made an interesting statement which caught my attention during his presentation. “Jesus never spoke a word of Greek.” I was anxious to meet him and inquire if his statement was accurate as I believed if Jesus never spoke any Greek, He uttered one Greek word with intentionality, Ekklesia.

It was a long line of admirers who assembled around Brian, but I was determined to ask my one burning question, “You mentioned that Jesus never spoke any Greek in your presentation. How do you account for Matthew 16:18?”  He got a smile on his face and gave me a single line response, “That opens a whole can of worms.” With that statement, I knew he was on the spot and this was not the time or place for him to explain his position. I handed him my card, thanked him for his time and anticipated I would never hear from him. In his defense, he reached out to me inviting me to join a Facebook group he led. I declined his invitation as I felt a Facebook group was not the forum for him to respond to me.

My concern is that I believe a translator, a pastor, a theologian, a Berean (in spirit), all have a responsibility to be accurate with the Word.

In the Old Testament, man decided that God needed a house. God who had always been mobile and uncontainable, now was to be housed in a Temple.

It is interesting that God showed Himself in a mighty display which is defined as the Shekinah Glory found in 2 Chronicles 7. As the weeklong celebration winds down, we are told that Adonai appeared to Solomon in a dream. He promises Solomon, “if you walk before Me as your father David walked, doing all that I have commanded you, keeping My statutes and My ordinances, then I will establish your royal throne. But if you turn away and forsake My decrees and My mitzvot that I have set before you, and go and serve other gods and worship them, then I will uproot them from My land which I gave them, and this House which I have consecrated for My Name I will cast out of My sight.”

We know what happened. Let’s fast forward, to Matthew 16:18. Yeshua made this declaration before His death, burial, and resurrection. A new advent was about to begin. He had just declared that He was going to tear the Temple in Jerusalem down and rebuild it in three days! He tells them before His ascension that He was sending another Comforter…. wait for Him. He declares His new Spirit-filled followers would be His Ekklesia, His ruling, governing community. He didn’t say church. The word church didn’t come into existence till the late 1500’s. In the early 1600’s a king formalized the English word to church and declared himself head of the church of England, named the Bible he had commissioned after himself and wrote a book about the Sovereignty of the crown. Any red flags?

Should we accept “essential equivalency” for every word of Scripture? Or, for declarations of Adonai (God), Yeshua (Jesus) and the Ruach (Holy Spirit), maintain literal integrity?

Most of our translations are taken from using KJV as a foundation. If there have been mistakes or liberties taken in translation, I wonder how Revelation 22:18-19 applies? Have these men placed themselves in danger of the consequences outlined in these two verses? Did the nearly 50 theologians from England’s best seminaries acquiesce to the king and disobey the King of Kings?

Just a side observation. It has been just over 400 years since the making of the King James Bible. Is God shaking the institutional church? I believe the answer is yes!

Translational integrity is important. I have linked an addendum titled, “Why I Like the Tree of Life Version of the Bible.

If you want to gain a better background about the history behind the King James Bible and the controversy surrounding Matthew 16:18, please consider purchasing a copy of Ekklesia Declared! (available via Amazon).

I welcome your response to my thoughts on translation and our responsibility to the Word. Do you feel that we need to stay accurate to the original language, or is “essential equivalency” enough? You can contact us here.

First Place Ministries is seeking to help you establish a daily time with the Scriptures and the Spirit! Available now on our website or through Barnes & Noble or Amazon, is our latest book, Choose Life Journal.

o   If you have never read or studied the Bible for yourself, this book is for you. The how and why of personal Bible study time is contained in this book.

o   If you have used devotional material before, please consider journaling and discover how the Holy Spirit will mentor you.

o   If you have participated in inductive Bible study with directed questions, please consider journaling and allowing the Holy Spirit to direct you into all truth.

o   If you have sought a deeper walk and relationship with Adonai, the Choose Life Journal plan is the study aid for you. Each chapter is designed to equip you with the skills to participate in the inductive method of Bible study, journal at the leading of the Holy Spirit, and create an action plan for applying the Word of God.

I have utilized the inductive method of Bible study for over seventeen years. Your thoughts, your actions, your attitudes will be challenged by the Word of God. You will see the transformation which your interaction with God’s Word causes as you become conformed to His image. The Bible is a powerful book! It is “living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword…and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).” I challenge you to try the Choose Life Journal study methodology for 21-days through the book of John.


Books are available via Barnes & Noble and Amazon. 

October 16th Pete Hegseth: CEO of Concerned Veterans for America is the featured speaker at Westgate Chapel Apologia www.westgatechapel.com/apologia

Washington State Prayer Coalition/City Gates Prayer (11) Washington State Prayer Coalition/City Gates Prayer | Facebook


November 8 National Midterm elections

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