Is Your House in Order?  

Prayer: Father, help me to order my life unto You. Amen. 

Reading: Leviticus 14 key: vs. 48-49  
48 “But if the kohen comes in, inspects it, and behold, the plague has not spread within the house after it was re-plastered, then he should pronounce the house clean, because the contamination is healed. 49 In order to cleanse the house he is to take two birds, cedar wood, scarlet and hyssop. 

Attention: I used to work for a painting company in the late nineties and from 2005-2009 I was a remodel contractor. So, I have worked restoring homes which had water damage to ceiling and walls. There is a process much like what is described today in our scheduled passage. The damaged or compromised is taken out, removed from the property and replaced with good materials. A good workman makes the property return to its former, pre-damaged quality.  

If we compare our body to a house, the quality and status of the house is comparable to the rooms of our body. Is our home cluttered and in a state of disrepair? Are there rooms in our mind and body which we would not allow Adonai to enter because it is our secret room? Do you really think He does not know about your secret rooms? Would you invite a King to visit your home all cluttered and in disrepair? Does the state of your home reveal the state of your relationship with God?  

I have found that the more disciplined and ordered I am in my personal life, I am in closer relationship with God. Have you allowed Him to heal the emotional, physical and spiritual damage of the past? Or are you settling to live a scattered, cluttered, harried life which dishonors God?  

I encourage you to begin asking Adonai what he wants to clean up in your life. Begin asking Him to order your steps and bring God planned appointments into your life. Is there a room which you have kept from Him being Lord over. There is not a sin too large or a past too dark, which He cannot heal and forgive.  

Once forgiven, cleaned and restored, we need to place the Word of God within our house, filling our bodies with Spiritual things. We have a new lifestyle to begin.  

Action: I will ask Adonai to clean, forgive and heal my sins today.  

Yield: There is no room I will keep Adonai from entering.  

Engage: I engage with the Holy Spirit in getting my house in order today! 

Relationship: I give Adonai full ownership of my life today! 

Prayer: Father, I do not wish to withhold anything from Your Lordship. Come today and put my life in order! In the name of Yeshua, amen.  

Memory Verse: Matthew 12:43-45  
43 “Now when an unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places looking for rest and doesn’t find it. 44 Then it says, ‘I’ll go back home where I came from.’ And when it comes, it finds the house vacant, swept clean, and put in order. 45 Then it goes and brings along seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they go in and live there. And that man’s last condition becomes worse than the first. So also will it be for this evil generation.”

Music Video: Community Music—Make Room 

Remember, “Abide in Yeshua, today!”  

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