Prayer: Father, I come to You prepared to listen and receive instruction. Today’s topic is a hot topic in America. May I be granted to see justice from Your perspective. Amen.
Reading: Leviticus 24 key: vs. 22
22 You are to have one standard of justice for the outsider as well as the native-born, for I am Adonai your God.”
Attention: Imagine having one standard of justice which is legislated fairly and equitably by man to another man. Adonai has given the standard to us, we are the weak or compromised link in the process. The further we stray from God’s definition of justice and restitution, the more controversy we create. Man is not God. We are not incorruptible, just, always truthful, and not able to lie.
My wife likes to record old television westerns like Wagon Train, Wyatt Earp, Tombstone, and The Rifleman. Recently I viewed a segment where a retired judge came into to town to face a killer he had not convicted to prison. He admitted to the sheriff on his death bed, he had accepted a bribe from the killer and set him free to do more killing. He claimed he was vulnerable to the bribe because he had a child who was deathly ill. The irony was that the money bought treatment which did not save his child. He had lived for years with the haunting memory of yielding to temptation and now he wanted to make up for it. The sheriff tried to avoid confrontation between the judge and the killer. The killer was antagonized enough he wanted to kill the judge and the judge wanted him to kill him so that this time he would be convicted.
The judge hid in the dark and confronted (drew a gun on him) the killer one night as the killer walked down the boardwalk. The killer laughed and announced that he would not fall for that inducement which the judge had tried before. The judge said, “the gun is loaded this time” and fired. The gunman though mortally wounded fired a mortal shot to the judge. Both men died. The judge feeling that he had avenged his sin and guilt of killing others, by not convicting who he should have convicted.
If we base our standards on the standards which Adonai gave, we stand a chance of being just, because He is just. We have compromised so much for so long, that the only correction is a revival of man’s soul. If we as a nation and nations of nations, recognize and embrace God’s standards, this is our only hope.
Action: I choose to embrace and live by God’s standards of justice and restitution.
Yield: I am transformed when I yield to God’s standards.
Embrace: When I embrace God’s standards, my nation will also move in that direction.
Relationship: I will walk in step with God’s standards.
Prayer: Father, when I stray from Your standards, my country, my nation, strays ever farther from justice and restitution. Amen.
Memory Verse: Micah 6:8
8 He has told you, humanity, what is good,
and what Adonai is seeking from you:
Only to practice justice, to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with your God.
Music Video: Mercy Me—Word of God Speak
Remember, “Abide in Yeshua, today!”