New Mothers 

Prayer: Father, You know best. Your guidelines for restoration after childbirth are wise. May I heed Your wisdom. Amen.  

Reading: Leviticus 12 key: vs. 7b
This is the Torah for her who gives birth, whether to a male or female child.

Attention: I have had the wonderful experience of attending each of my children’s birth. It is a supernatural mystery which every father should experience. Even after all of these years, I still do not have words to express my experience, overwhelming is the first word to come to my mind. The first breath, the first cry which announces to those in attendance, “I am here.”  

Having been a father three times, I say there is a special joy about a new birth. Friends and family share the joy with you. The attention of the family is focused on the new addition. The new addition is going through a lot of firsts as well, first feeding, first diaper change, first attempts at seeing, hearing and experiencing a new atmosphere.  

The new mom is recovering from childbirth. Adonai in His wisdom, knew that a woman post labor, needed a time of recovery and purification. What enhances recovery? Blood. The monthly cycle too, is a purification process instituted by The Creator.  

Regardless of your gender, were you aware of Adonai’s process of restoration for women, for mothers? It is not only natural, but also a supernatural process installed by an all sufficient, all-knowing, all-powerful God. Will you respect that which Adonai has initiated? Will you acknowledge Adonai today in the giving and receiving of life?  

Action: I acknowledge Adonai in the cycle and process of a woman’s recovery after giving birth. 

Yield: I yield when I acknowledge and respect God.  

Engage: I engage in the process of recovery with God.  

Relationship: I am indwelt by the Holy Spirit.  

Prayer: Father, the processes of our bodies are miraculous, inspired by You. The miracle of childbirth is only from You. I yield my body to You! Amen.  

Memory Verse: Romans 7:21-23  
21 So I find the principle—that evil is present in me, the one who wants to do good. 22 For I delight in the Torah of God with respect to the inner man, 23 but I see a different law in my body parts, battling against the law of my mind and bringing me into bondage under the law of sin which is in my body parts.

Music Video: Brandon Lake—Temple 

Remember, “Abide in Yeshua, today!” 

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