Prayer: Father, I praise You today! I pray that my offerings of praise, of service, of my life, will be a soothing aroma to You. Amen.
The Bible Project: Leviticus
Reading: Leviticus 1 key: vs. 17b
“The kohen shall burn it upon the altar, on the wood that is on the fire. It is a burnt offering, made by fire—a soothing aroma to Adonai.”
Attention: Have you ever walked past a barbeque and enjoyed the aroma? When I read chapter one of Leviticus today, this is what I envisioned, even savored the aroma. Have you ever thought about God, enjoying the soothing aroma of a meat sacrifice?
One of the rules of inductive Bible study is to watch for repetition. In chapter one, Adonai repeats the phrase, “It is a burnt offering, made by fire—a soothing aroma to Adonai.” Moses documents this declaration of Adonai’s three times (vs. 9b, 13b, & 17b). Repetition is another way for God to underscore, “I really like this. It is pleasing to me.”
Repetition is also a way that parents teach their children. “How many times have I told you to …… (fill in the blank).” We all learn through repetition, even God’s Hebrew nation.
Notice that there are qualifications for each offering. For the livestock and the sheep or goats, it is to be a male without blemish (no defect). There were requirements for the turtledoves or young pigeons, you may read them on your own. Each were to be prepared in a certain manner, innards washed, blood placed around the altar and burnt completely upon the wood.
The best application I can make for us today is to make sure that which we are placing on the altar is without blemish. Whatever we are giving must be of the best quality and given with an attitude of thanksgiving or repentance and seeking forgiveness. God is Holy and we are called to be holy, because He is holy.
Leviticus is traditionally called, “The Book of Priests.” The focus of Leviticus is instruction to priests on sanctification and worship. How does it apply to us? If Yeshua became the High Priest in His death upon the cross, if He is the Lamb of God without blemish and we now have direct access to Him, then we each become priests. We are made holy by His holiness only; however, are we seeking to stay holy by living a lifestyle in His presence. Are we presenting ourselves daily without blemish.
Action: I choose for my life to be a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to Adonai.
Yield: Is giving over control of my life.
Engage: The process of Holy Spirit transformation.
Relationship: Together in the Spirit.
Prayer: Father, I pray that my relationship with You becomes deeper, throughout 2023. May I become sanctified, set apart, holy unto You.
Memory Verse: Acts 26:18
18 to open their eyes—so they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of satan to God, that they may receive release from sins as well as a place among those who are made holy through trusting in Me.’
Music Video: Micah Stampley—Holiness
Remember, “Abide in Yeshua, today!”