Prayer: Father, Your message is consistent through Your prophets. As the nations have treated Israel, so shall you be treated. May we learn from history and Your word. Amen.
Bible Project: Book of Obadiah Summary | Watch an Overview Video (
Reading: Obadiah 1 key: vs. 15 ““For the day of Adonai is near against all the nations. As you have done, it shall be done to you. Your dealing will return on your own head.” TLV
Attention: With the rise in antisemitism International and in America, Christians around the world would do well to reread the prophets of the scriptures. Adonai established to Abram, “My desire is to bless those who bless you, but whoever curses you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed (Genesis 12:3).”
The declaration Adonai made with Abram is an eternal declaration which God will uphold forever.
Just as the middle east dispute is between the family members of Abraham (Ishmael & Isaac), the dispute recorded and revealed through Obadiah is family, Jacob (Israel) and his brother Esau (Edom). If you listened to the video link for the Blble Project above, they reveal that Edom assisted the armies of Babylon when they came against Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple. God is now declaring through Obadiah to Edom, you shall be treated the way you treated Israel.
If God’s declaration is eternal and consequences of Edom’s actions towards Israel are eternal according to Genesis 12:3, how do we think we are exempt from God’s wrath?
Wake up followers of Yeshua. If we as a people and nation turn our backs on Israel, we will soon suffer the same fate as the nations who came against Israel.
Action: I choose to embrace the support of Israel according to the Genesis 12:3.
Yield: I choose to submit to the sovereignty of Adonai.
Engage: I choose to engage with the Holy Spirit in supporting Israel with prayer and deed.
Relationship: I choose to live in relationship with the sovereign God of the universe.
Prayer: Father, I understand the spiritual warfare which is being exacted against the Hebrew people and Jewish nation. Awaken our nation to the judgement which it is opening itself up to. May Your followers awaken to the seriousness of the issue, and may the nations be awakened to the judgement which they are bringing upon themselves. Amen.
Memory Verse: Genesis 12:3 “My desire is to bless those who bless you, but whoever curses you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” TLV
Music Video: Robin Mark—Days of Elijah
Remember, “Abide in Yeshua, today!”