Prayer: Father, the only declaration, the only narrative, is Your Word which only matters. May we also in this day, seek only to listen and do according to Your Word. Amen.
Reading: Numbers 13 key: vs. 31-33
31 But the men who had gone up with him said, “We cannot attack these people, because they are stronger than we.” 32 They spread among Bnei-Yisrael a bad report about the land they had explored, saying, “The land through which we passed to explore devours its residents. All the people we saw there are men of great size! 33 We also saw there the Nephilim. (The sons of Anak are from the Nephilim.) We seemed like grasshoppers in our eyes as well as theirs!”
Attention: I have written about size in my journals before. In the senior year of High School, I played Varsity Football and our team averaged 20 less pounds per man on the offensive and defensive line. We have a distinct physical size differential from our opponents. What we didn’t lack was heart. We did not fear the other team. Our coaches were smart. If you are faster and lighter than your opponents, do not slug it out in the trenches. To use our strengths (speed and athleticism), our coaches had us use wider line splits. We ran around and through our opponents with double team blocks. Our fullback and team captain lead the league in rushing yardage. Our defense held opponents to less than 3 points per game average. We allowed only one rushing touchdown and no passing touchdowns scored against us, all season in league. I assume that team still holds the school record for a season in scoring and points allowed.
What is my point? If we had allowed size to dominate our minds, we wouldn’t have even taken the field. The majority of the Hebrew spies had a bad case of “image.” Many churches, many Christians, suffer from an identity crisis of size. In our board and congregational meetings, we appeal for a democratic process and vote. The prevailing opinion wins, and the Holy Spirit is shut out.
If Adonai has declared it is ours for the taking, who among the spies were faithful to His declaration? Did you read what the ramifications of not taking the land and opposing Adonai cost anyone over 20 years of age?
In my seventy years of life, never have I felt that Adonai is doing a new work and causing a shaking. Have you noticed the reorganizing which the institution of churches is having to do right now? There is a crisis of faith amongst the leadership of the organized church. Is Adonai perhaps allowing a generation die off because of unfaithfulness?
All I can say is, I choose to be on the side of Adonai and his two faithful spies, Joshua and Caleb. “We should definitely go up and capture the land, for (with Adonai) we can certainly do it (vs. 30b).”
Action: I choose to follow Adonai’s declarations in all of scripture.
Yield: I acquiesce my will to the Sovereign will of Adonai!
Engage: I choose to engage in holy lifestyle with Adonai.
Relationship: I choose to walk with Adonai in the Holy Spirit.
Prayer: Father, our relationship with You is not a democratic process. You are the Sovereign King of Kings. There is no need for me to listen to any other voice. Amen.
Memory Verse: Isaiah 46:9-10
9 Remember the former things of old:
For I am God—there is no other.
I am God, and there is none like Me—
10 declaring the end from the beginning,
from ancient time, what is yet to come,
saying, “My purpose will stand,
and I will accomplish all that I please.”
Music Video: Carlene Sabin—There Is None Like You
Remember, “Abide in Yeshua, today!”