Prayer: Father, obedience and faith are what you ask of me. Reveal to your servant, the things which You are requiring of me today through Your word. Amen.
Reading: Genesis 22 key: vs 12
12 Then He said, “Do not reach out your hand against the young man—do nothing to him at all. For now I know that you are one who fears God—you did not withhold your son, your only son, from Me.”
Attention: Do you have a son? I do. Do you have an “only son”, meaning, one son? I do. If you have been on the Genesis journey with me since the first of the year, you know that Abraham had a son with Hagar. So, you might be confused when you read vs. 2, where Adonai tells Abraham to take his “only son” to the land of Moriah. This is the correct term however, as Adonai promised Abraham and Sarah a son and Isaac is the “only son” from the promise and union of Abraham and Sarah.
Abraham is told to “offer him (Isaac) there as a burnt offering.” To the human mind and the mind of Abraham, this had to make no sense. Kill and offer up the “only (promised) son”? We know that Abraham was obedient because the text tells us so (vs. 12). God wanted to know Abraham’s heart. Is there anything which Abraham would withhold from Adonai? Even including his “only son.”
Notice how prophetic Abraham is when enroute to Moriah, Isaac inquires; “Look. Here’s the fire and the wood. But where’s the lamb for a burnt offering?” Surely, Isaac has witnessed Abraham making sacrifice to Adonai at other times. He knows all the elements and one thing is missing, a lamb. Abraham in faith declares, “God will provide for Himself a lamb.” Was he making the declaration in faith or just assuring Isaac of God’s intentions? I believe both.
Interestingly, the text is silent about Isaac’s responses upon being “bound … and laid” on the altar. He certainly was of an age to protest, “Father, what are you doing?” We see no protest, no comment, no struggle. Was Isaac being obedient too? I believe so. Isaac represents a type of Christ, foreshadowing His future death and obedience. He too was silent.
Has Adonai ever required you to give Him something which is valuable and dear to you, even a child? Are your children your children exclusively? Or have you given them back to the One who gave them too you? Have you dedicated your child or children to Adonai? If you haven’t, I encourage you to consider doing so today!
Action: I will dedicate my child(ren) to the Lord today!
Yield: I will give back to Adonai the children He has given me.
Engage: I will engage in the act of giving my child(ren) back to Adonai today!
Relationship: I am in full relationship with Adonai when I yield to Him everything.
Prayer: Father, I give my children back to You. I claim their salvation today. May they come to know You in a personal way and follow You all their days. Amen.
Memory Verse: Psalm 127:3
3 Behold, children are a heritage of Adonai
—the fruit of the womb is a reward.
Music Video: Chris Christian—Living Sacrifice
Remember, “Abide in Yeshua, today!”