Prayer: Father, the task of doing justice to the book of Job is daunting. I ask for insight into lessons Job learned and I can learn from him about how to respond to pain, suffering and the loss of everything, including his children. In Yeshua’s name, amen.
Reading: Job 1 key: vs. 5
5 When the round of banquet days was completed, Job would send for them and consecrate them. He would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings, according to the number of them all. For Job said, “Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.” Thus Job did everyday.
Attention: If you are a senior citizen of the kingdom of God, you have at some time in your life, experienced deep pain physically, loss of a family member, loss of livelihood, financial loss, betrayal, poor counsel, loss of friendship, the experience of starting over again, spousal betrayal, or a life-threatening illness. Job experienced all these calamities and most of them in one day.
We have much to learn from the life and experiences of Job. How do we respond to the many hardships of life and not sin? And not get bitter? And not lose our integrity with God. I have observed those who expressed a relationship with God and yet, something in life sideswiped them and they walked away from God.
I hope you will join me on this journey through the book of Job. It is a rich compilation of wisdom given by God to us through the life of Job.
As always, here is a link to The Bible Project’s video overview of the book of Job.
Action: Throughout the book of Job, I will pray for my children’s salvation and protection, every day.
Yield: I am yielded when I seek wisdom and answers from the Sovereign.
Engaged: I will engage like Job, directly with God in seeking answers to the many issues of life.
Relationship: Relationship with God involves trust. Build my trust Lord.
Prayer: Father, there is so much to learn from You through the life of Job. Thank you for including this book in the Bible and allowing me to observe and listen into the conversations with friends and more importantly, You. Amen.
Memory Verse: Job 1:22
22 Through all this, Job did not sin nor did he cast reproach on God.
Music Video:
Remember, “Abide in Yeshua, today!”