Footprints of Adonai 

Prayer: Father, You will lead Your sheep like a shepherd. You have led for centuries. We have not always followed. May I become a constant follower of Adonai. Amen. 

Reading: Psalm 77 key: 2-4 
My voice to God—and I cried out,
my voice to God—and He heard me!
In the day of my trouble I seek my Lord.
At night my hand stretches out untiringly.
My soul refuses to be comforted.
I remember God and I moan.
I muse, and my spirit grows faint. Selah

Attention: We all have experienced times of correction. Times like the psalmist which he characterizes as times of turmoil in which his “soul refused to be comforted.” The entire world is battling with a comfort issue. Christians are being course corrected and the world is struggling to make sense of it all while under the spell of the evil one.  

If you claim Christ and identify with Him, are their areas and beliefs which you have embraced as true, which are not true about God at all? Are there things which we have been taught from the pulpit and videos along with books, which just are not an accurate depiction or representation of the heart of God? We only can know this if we are students of the Word of God, the Bible. Even then, be cautious with the translation you use. Is it possible that according to the original Hebrew and Greek that man has taken some liberties?  

Understand, I am not refuting the accuracy of the inspired Word back to the original manuscripts. I am saying that beyond the original ancient manuscripts that inaccuracy is possible and even probable. Times like today are opportunities for course correction in your worship, in the place of your worship, in the Bible you read and in the God you serve. God has not changed, but over the course of time, we have changed and turned away in our heart.  

The psalmist makes the statement in vs. 11 “that the right hand of Elyon (God Most High) has changed.” Then he begins to “remember His deeds” and “muse” and “meditate also on all Your work and consider Your deeds.” What resulted was a course correction. The psalmist began to remember “the deeds of Adonai” and His “wonders of old,” and he began to praise God.  

The scriptures were written for our instruction. They lead us to the correct path so that we can follow the Great Shepherd. He still leads His people like a shepherd. Am I following Adonai? It is difficult if not impossible to follow apart from being in His Word daily, “Your word is … (Psalms 119:105).” 

Action: I choose to adopt a daily lifestyle of time in the Word, allowing the Holy Spirit to mentor me, guide me and change me from the inside out!  

Yield: I give my heart to God.  

Engage: I am spiritually hungry Lord, and I will engage daily in feeding my soul with Your Word.  

Relationship: I am in relationship with God when I am following Him.  

Prayer: Father, how I tend to stray when I am lured away from You by the things of this world. When I am filled with fear, worry, and concern. Forgive me and redirect my eyes and heart onto You fully and only. In Yeshua’s name, amen.  

Memory Verse: Psalm 119: 105 
105 Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path.

Music Video: Keith Green – Make My Life A Prayer To You (live) 

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