The Glory of Adonai

Prayer: Father, like Ezekiel, may I move with and be moved by the Spirit of God. Amen.

Bible Project: Ezekiel overview–Book of Ezekiel Summary | Watch an Overview Video (Part 1) (

Reading: Ezekiel 1 key vs. 26b-28 “Above the shape of the throne was a figure of human appearance. From what appeared as his waist upward, I saw a glowing metal, looking like a fire encased in a frame. From what was like his waist down, I saw the appearance of fire radiating around him. Like the appearance of the rainbow in the cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the radiance. It was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of Adonai. I saw it, fell upon my face, and heard the voice of the One who was speaking.” TLV

Attention: The timing of God is perfect. He is typically, not early, nor is He ever late, but always just on time in His appearance and provision. Countless times, Adonai has brought the finances for a bill which was due, or provided a meal when the refrigerator was bare. My wife and I have experienced God’s provision just in time as confirmation of His will.

In the first chapter of Ezekiel, we see the man Ezekiel thirty years old and just completing the education and training to be a priest. He is in line to be installed as a priest and the exile of Jerusalem begins. Five years later, rather than traditional confirmation, Ezekiel has an encounter with the living God on the banks of the river Chebar.

The Illustrated Bible Dictionary frames Ezekiel’s call, “The Lord’s call to him came in his 30th year (1:1), the age priests normally were inducted into office (Numbers 4:30). In Jerusalem, he would have inherited the priestly office and prepared for it by traditional means. However, in exile the call came dramatically and directly from God (pg. 536).”

Would you rather have God’s call or man’s credentialling and/or titling?

Ezekiel’s call reminds me of the account of the apostles before the Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin identified them “laymen without training,” yet recognized that they “had been with Yeshua (Acts 4:13b).” Ezekiel will be accounted as a prophet without the endorsement of the religious community.

Watch for obedience and zeal of Ezekiel as we study his book. It takes faith and courage to be a prophet. He is bold in his faithfulness to Adonai and His message. He encounters the “Glory of the living God.” Fearlessly, he proclaims God’s message.

We need Ezekiels Daniels, Jeremiahs, and Esthers to arise in our day. May God anoint prophets among the twenty- to thirty-year-old generation of today!

Action: I choose today to pray for the rising of prophets among this generation.

Yield: I choose to submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit in praying for new prophets.

Engage: I choose to engage with the ministry of the prophetic under prophetic anointing.

Relationship: I choose to live in relationship with the living God in the power of the Spirit.

Prayer: Father, I pray for the office of the prophet. I declare that You are raising up prophets and apostles among us today for Your kingdom and kingdom governing. Open my eyes and heart to Your ways of governing and leading Your kingdom. Amen.

Memory Verse: Ephesians 4:11-12 “He Himself gave some to be emissaries, some as prophets, some as proclaimers of the Good News, and some as shepherds and teachers— to equip the kedoshim for the work of service, for building up the body of Messiah.” TLV Music Video: Danny Gokey—Stay Strong

Remember, “Abide in Yeshua, today!”

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